Posts By: mmelton

Why Air Filter Subscriptions Are a Must for Homeowners!

Why Air Filter Subscriptions Are a Must for Homeowners!

When was the last time you changed your home’s air filters? If you have to think about it, it’s probably been too long. Regularly replacing your home’s air filters is a crucial step to maintaining personal health as well as the health of your home’s HVAC system. Let’s be honest. It’s hard to remember to do something you only need to do a few times a year. That’s why subscribing to an air filter subscription service, like Second Nature, is a must for homeowners. Let’s dive into some of the benefits of having filters sent right to your door when it’s time for a change by subscribing to an air filter subscription service that gives you access to the best air filter for home use.  

First, Let’s Start With Why

Replacing your air filters is crucial to ensuring a healthy home. Cooking, cleaning, and even just moving around your home or interacting with your pets can release tiny pollutant particles into the air. By replacing your filters on time, you’re maximizing the air quality within your home. 

You may think that because you keep your home nice and clean, your air quality must be clean as well. Unfortunately that’s not the case. Your home’s HVAC system and air filters will collect pollutants like skin cells, pet dander, and even hazardous particles from household cleaning products, hair products, and nail polish. They build up faster than you think and replacing your air filter is a great way to ensure your family is breathing clean air. 

Save Time

Like any other subscription service out there, Second Nature filters will save you time and money. How? Let us paint you a picture. It’s Sunday afternoon, and you’ve decided that after 12 months, it’s time to change your air filters. You get in your car, head over to your local hardware store, and walk to the air filter aisle only to have no idea what sizes you need. Now you have to go back to your car, drive home, measure your filters, then drive back to the hardware store and back home. Before you know it, you’ve spent three hours on a task that really shouldn’t take more than a few minutes! With Second Nature, you get the best air filter for home use delivered automatically when it’s time to replace them, and you only have to  the size you need once!

Save Money

Over time air filters build up dust and become clogged. When your filters become clogged, your HVAC system is at serious risk of damage from overheating. Over time, your HVAC system can become clogged from a combination of moisture and dust that air filters can prevent. To avoid costly repairs to your heating and cooling system, replace your air filters on time. 

How Often?

Changing your air filters will depend on various factors like the number of pets you have, activity level, and more. You can choose to get your second nature filters shipped on a custom schedule to make sure you’re breathing the best air. We recommend changing your filters every three months or every two months if you have a pet. If you have more than one furry pet, replace your air filters every 30 days. With timed delivery, new filters show up at your door right when it’s time to change them. Keeping your home’s air quality healthy and your HVAC system running optimally.


One of the great things about choosing Second Nature filters is their wide variety of inventory. Second Nature has a filter for every size and shape, making them one of the best air filter subscription services available. What’s even better is their pricing options. They categorize their filters by how much they can trap.Let’s take a look.

  • “Catch Some” 
    • Second Nature’s “Catch Some” air filters are great for those wanting to catch some of the bigger annoyances like dust and pollen. 
  • “Catch More”
    • The “Catch more” Filters take filtration to another level by catching pet dander, dust, and mold.
  • “Catch All’
    • The “Catch All Filter” is ideal for those wanting to catch all of the particles they can, including cooking oil and cigarette smoke. And you guessed it! The “Catch-All” filter will keep your air the cleanest!

The options don’t stop there. You can protect your drinking water supply with Second Nature’s fridge filters. They have two different filter options that focus on taste, odor, and contaminants. There is an overwhelming amount of fridge filter options. Second Nature’s filter buying guide makes it a simple process. Now that you know how to keep your HVAC system running smoothly, check out other ways you can optimize your home here! 

New Home Check-List

New Home Checklist 

Buying a new home is an exciting and frustrating process. It’s easy to get lost in the joy of closing that new home deal. We’ve compiled a list that will help you identify what to know and prepare for with your new home, allowing you to enjoy that new home high without forgetting to prepare yourself for any mishaps down the road. Let’s dive in! 

Locate circuit breakers 

Circuit breakers play a more important role than people realize. How do circuit breakers work? To put it simply, they cut power to your appliances when there’s too much current flowing through them. Without circuit breakers, homes across the country would experience regular electrical issues. We’re talking about fire-level electrical issues. So, yeah, they’re important. In the case that your circuit breaker has to step in and save your home, you’ll need to know where they are located to bring power back to your appliances. After you locate your circuit breaker, or breakers if your home has more than one, we suggest writing down the location or creating a map that clearly labels where you can find them. After you’ve done that, consider using a magnet and placing it on your fridge. Pro tip: make sure the areas in front of and below your circuit breaker are free of clutter and easily accessible. It’s also a good idea to label your circuit breaker. If your breaker box doesn’t have a space for labels, you can use duct tape and a sharpie to mark which switch connects to which room.

Know where your GFCI outlets are and how they work

Think of CFCI outlets as mini circuit breakers. Osha describes a GFCI, or ground-fault circuit interrupter, as “a fast-acting circuit breaker designed to shut off electric power within as little as 1/40 of a second. It works by comparing the amount of current going to and returning from equipment along the circuit conductors. When the amount going differs from the amount returning by approximately five milliamperes, the GFCI interrupts the current.” So when you’re drying your hair and you draw a little too much electricity, your GFCI outlet steps in and saves the day before any damage is done. Here are some places you’re likely to find GFCI outlets:

  • The exterior of your home
  • Bathrooms
  • Garage
  • Kitchen

Over the years, new regulations have required more and more GFCI electrical outlets within new homes. So don’t be alarmed if your new home has more or less than your previous home. GFCI outlets are a simple install for most electricians if you’re interested in adding them to your home. If you want to ensure your home is safe, try to use your GFCI outlets over your non GFCI outlets.

Locate gas and water valves

Locating your water and gas shut-off valves is another critical step to take after closing on your new home. In fact, every member of your household should know where these shut-off valves are. In the event of a busted gas or water pipe, every second wasted locating the shut-off valves could mean thousands of dollars more in damage. Consider creating a map similar to the one you make for your circuit breaker. Store them in the same spot to ensure no extra time is wasted in the event of an emergency. 

Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors 

It’s always a good idea to replace the batteries in your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors in your new home. After that, make sure you replace the smoke detector batteries yearly and the carbon monoxide detector batteries every 6 months, as suggested by FEMA. We recommend setting aside a stash of batteries to be used only for these devices.

Identify your storm shelter and plan

Everywhere in the United States experiences some form of bad weather. Make sure you have identified a shelter in the case of high winds or a tornado. Try to keep the area clutter-free and easily accessible. Here are some items you can store in your shelter location for safety:

  • Food
  • Water
  • Radio
  • Flashlights
  • Dry clothes
  • Pet food & leashes

You likely never need to use these items, but it’s better to be safe than sorry. Be sure to research the climate in your new area and tailor your shelter and supplies storage to cover any form of bad weather or natural disasters that you could realistically expect.

Create a seasonal home maintenance checklist 

Creating a home maintenance checklist is crucial! Regular maintenance will keep your home in good shape and help maintain value. Don’t slouch on completing seasonal maintenance like cleaning the gutters, landscaping, and pool maintenance. Also, don’t forget to winterize your home when the time comes. Covering up faucets and sealing window and door cracks are just two ways you can prepare your home for the cold weather. Take care of your home, and your home will take care of you!

Make a list of home improvement projects

After you’ve tackled everything on this checklist, you’re ready for a new project! Take a walk around your home and make a list of home improvement projects you want to do like replacing countertops or flooring. Prioritize them by need and doability to figure out which projects you need to budget for first. 

More Moving Help

Now that you know what to look out for, it’s time to download your checklist, which you can find here! If you found this blog to be helpful, check out our garage transformation blog here!

3 Things You NEED to Do Before Moving Into Your Home

Everyone wants their new home to be pristine on the day they move in. There’s something wonderful about walking into an empty home for the first time and smelling how clean it is. You’ll soon be placing your furniture on those empty floors and making new memories between those blank walls. However, looking and smelling clean isn’t enough for families moving into a new home these days. Standards have changed over the past year and looking clean just isn’t enough. Let’s dive into the three in-depth steps every family should take before moving into a new home.

1. Deep Clean the House

Sanitized Peace of Mind

Step one, a deep cleaning of your home. We mean more than just a quick sweep and vacuum to remove settled dust. In the wake of COVID, a deep cleaning provides peace of mind. Cleaning an empty house allows you or your cleaning company to access every inch from floor to ceiling.

Clean from Top to Bottom

To save time, start at the highest areas and work your way down. This will prevent you from having to go back and clean areas that might get dirty again as a result of starting at the bottom and working your way up.

Ceilings and Light Fixtures

Begin with the ceilings. Use a duster or specialized broom to clear away cobwebs and get rid of ceiling dust. Pay special attention to the corners and to light fixtures where dust gathers most heavily. If your home has ceiling fans or beams, be sure to clean them during your ceiling dusting and wipe them down.

Windows and Permanent Blinds

Next, pay attention to your windows. Clean the windows with a sanitizing streak-free cleaner. Be sure to also clean any permanently installed blinds. Mini-blinds are a common place for dust and other particles to accumulate, unnoticed. You can use a sock on your hand, soaked in cleaner, to get each individual slat.

Counters and Shelves

Your home’s counters should be cleaned next. Take sanitizing surface cleaner to every countertop, shelf, bathtub, and toilet lid in the house. Find any horizontal surface to clean, including window sills and door frames. While you’re at it, wipe down and sanitize every doorknob and handle in the house as well.


Baseboards are often the dirtiest parts of homes, sporting years of scuffs and accumulated dirt. With your walls already cleaned, take a sponge or cloth and wipe down your baseboards with paint-safe cleaner. 

Carpets and Hard Floors

Last but not least, finish up with the floors. Vacuum and steam-clean the carpets. Sweep, mop, and then re-mop the hardwood and tile. For wood, finalize the process with a coat of wax or oil soap to protect the boards.

 Wipe Out the Insides of Drawers, Cabinets, and Shelves

In addition to the usual surfaces, seek out interiors as well. Dirt, dust, and viral particles can hide inside your drawers and inside the shelves of closed cabinets. Open cabinets, closets, and drawers through the house, then wipe them out with a sanitizing cleaner.

Cleaning Unfinished Utility Spaces

When you’re finished with the spaces that are regularly accessed by the family, don’t forget the utility spaces. Find your basement, garage, and utility closet areas that see less use, and be sure to clean them as well. Wipe down the large household appliances, then sweep out and sanitize the space where they are installed.

Consider an Insured Sanitation Service for Guaranteed Clean

Of course, if you’re worried about your personal time, energy, or ability to reach every nook & cranny, you can rely on professionals to make sure the house is clean. Should you hire a sanitation service to clean your home before moving in, make certain that your team is insured with a strong local reputation for pristine and satisfactory service.

2. Replace Air Filters

Air filters are an important part of maintaining a healthy home. Luckily, they are inexpensive and easy to install. To do this, find the air intake and filter locations within your home. Intakes are usually part of your home’s HVAC system and are often found near the thermostat. Wear a mask when removing old air filters, as they might be full of old pet dander, pollen, mold spores, and worse. Bag the filter immediately and then throw that closed bag into your trash to best contain the dust-caked to it. Then, install a new filter of the same size. It is always worth upgrading a little to a filter with a higher filtration rating. Let the HVAC run for a few hours to cycle the ventilation and get your home filled with freshly filtered air.

Consider an Air Filter Subscription

You will need to change your air filter about once every three months to maintain good air quality and avoid clogging your HVAC. This can be a hassle, and easy to forget when you are leading a busy life. The best solution is often to subscribe to an air-filter service. An air filter subscription service, like Second Nature, will deliver new air filters at the correct time interval, serving as both a reminder and a handy supply of new filters.

3. Safety Check the House

Your final pre-move-in step is to perform a full safety check throughout your home. Walk every room from the front door to the back patio, checking things that might become dangerous over time after your family moves in.

Clear Excess Lint from Dryer Trap & Duct

If your home comes with a washer and dryer, check the dryer. Lint buildup is one of the leading causes of residential fires. Clear the lint trap, if necessary. Then detach the flexible duct at the back of the dryer and clear it of lint as well. Make sure your dryer’s external vent is not clogged so there is a clear path from dryer-to-outdoors for lint and hot, moist air to travel down.

Replace Batteries on Smoke & Carbon Monoxide Detectors

Check every detector in the house, and add more if necessary. Make sure your smoke detectors have fresh batteries and are placed above doorways and near bedrooms. Place new batteries in your carbon monoxide detectors, placed near the floor, or ensure they are plugged into a near-floor outlet. Remember that smoke rises, but carbon monoxide falls.

Clean and Inspect the Chimney and Flue

If your home has a fireplace, clean out the fireplace, then the chimney, and inspect the flue. Make sure the chimney is safe (not crumbling) and arrange for repairs if necessary. If you plan to use the fireplace, ensure the flue both opens and closes smoothly so there’s no risk of trapping smoke indoors or letting the cold in when the fire is out.

Replace Light Bulbs Throughout the House

Replace lightbulbs with new LED bulbs throughout the house. This will save energy for years as a resident and will give you a chance to inspect the light fixtures for any scorch marks or loose wires.

Check Attic & Utility Spaces for Protruding Nails

Attics often have sharp nails that stick down from the roof overhead, and other utility spaces can be similarly unsafe due to their unfinished nature. Check your attic and utility spaces for dangerous protrusions, old pest traps, and other potential hazards.

Check Your Home Address Visibility

Make sure your address is visible from the street. Repaint the curb, put numbers on your mailbox, or add a decorative house number sign to the front of your home. This will make it easier for both deliveries and, if needed, emergency services to find your house.

Pet Proof the Yard

Finally, if you have pets (or small children) in the family, be sure to pet-proof the yard. Secure the fence so there are no underneath or in-between escape routes. Make sure your gates close fully and lock safely with a key or combination only available to you. If you have a pool or other yard features, make sure they are safe for small, unaware creatures to play near.

Moving into a new home is a big responsibility both for your own safety and the safety of your family or household. Now more than ever, it’s important to make sure your home is sanitized and well-maintained before your moving truck arrives to fill the house with your furniture and possessions. If you want to make your next movie the easiest of your life, get in touch with Move Concierge today.

9 Simple Ways to Transform Your Garage in Your New Home

utility concierge services

The typical home garage is designed with one key purpose in mind: To protect vehicles. While most garages provide adequate protection for vehicles, they offer little in the way of comfort, utility, or an inviting appearance. Many have a dull concrete floor, poor lighting, and bare walls. They rarely feature any type of built-in storage and are often unbearably hot or freezing cold depending on the weather.

The good news is that you can easily transform your cold, drab garage into a neat, attractive space to store your possessions. Best of all, you can turn your garage into one of the brightest and most organized areas of your home while spending little in the way of time or money. Below are nine ways to transform your garage in your new home.

1) Apply Epoxy Flooring

Epoxy can be a difference-maker for your garage floor. In addition to enhancing the appearance of a drab concrete floor, the protective properties of epoxy can add years to the life of your garage floors. Here are just a few of the many benefits of installing epoxy flooring in your garage:

  • Cost-effective: You can make it an inexpensive DIY project with a kit from amazon or find a contractor to do it for you.  
  • A strong, protective finish: Epoxy’s strength and durability enable it to protect your floors while being highly resistant to staining. 
  • Choose from a variety of colors: From earth tones to bold, vivid colors, you can choose from a host of different colors for your garage.
  • Minimize flaws and defects: Epoxy coatings have a smooth finish that hides flaws and imperfections that often exist in older garage floors.
  • An eco-friendly choice: Epoxy coatings require little in the way of raw materials and last for years, thereby preserving resources.

2) Install Garage Shelving

The path to a neat, organized garage begins with organized storage space. Installing shelving in your garage is one of the best ways to maximize space and minimize clutter in your garage. Garage shelving also enables you to make use of space on higher sections of your garage walls. Advantages of garage shelving include the following:

  • Protection: Storing your belongings on shelves keeps them off the floor where they are more vulnerable to moisture and pests.
  • A wide selection of materials: You can choose from prefabricated shelving, metal racks, wooden shelves, plastic shelving, and other options.
  • Many shapes, sizes, and colors: Depending on your storage needs and garage space, you can select shelves that are small, large, narrow, or wide.
  • Aesthetically pleasing: Shelves help keep your garage free of clutter and presentable to visitors. 

3) Stock Up on Storage Boxes

Once you have your shelves in place, you can begin filling them with your possessions. Storage boxes can be easily stored on garage shelves and can help you maximize space by enabling you to stack them. Here are a few tips to help you keep your boxes organized:

  • Stack according to need and accessibility: Place boxes containing rarely used items on the highest shelves or on the bottom of a large stack.
  • Label each box: You can avoid a lot of searching and frustration by labeling the contents of each box. Remember to leave the label facing out.
  • Consider plastic storage bins: If your new home is in a humid area or prone to pest infestations, you may wish to switch over to plastic bins.

4) Mount Garage Hooks

Garage hooks provide a convenient way to organize a variety of items. They are available at most department stores and hardware stores, and are available in a variety of shapes, sizes, and colors to accommodate your tools and garage space. Prices start at just a few dollars for smaller hooks and the majority of models can be installed in a matter of minutes. 

5) Store All Your Tools in a Tool Chest

Few things are more frustrating than needing a hammer or screwdriver and being unable to find it. Homeowners are not always the best about keeping their tools organized and properly stored. They may use kitchen drawers, mudroom cubbies, or laundry room shelves as storage spaces, which can make tools difficult to track down when they are needed in the future. A tool chest eliminates these pitfalls while offering the following benefits:

  • A central solution: A tool chest provides a single location for all your tools so you know exactly where to go to find them.
  • Protection: Many of today’s tool chests have a locking mechanism to help keep high ticket tools safe and secure.
  • Organization: Tool chests often feature small bins and drawers for key accessories and components such as drill bits and nails.

6) Invest in an Air Compressor

Driving a vehicle with tires that aren’t properly inflated is dangerous and can affect your vehicle’s performance. But it’s not uncommon for drivers to head out the door anyway and pay to put air in their tires at the nearest gas station. Once you invest in an air compressor, you don’t have to worry about taking this risk. Investing in an air compressor for your garage offers the following advantages:

  • Utility: You can easily fill the tires on your vehicles, trailers, ATVs, motorcycles, and bikes to keep them ready for use on the road.
  • Cost savings: You can avoid paying the fees that many gas and service stations charge to use their public air compressors.
  • A small footprint: Advances in technology enable compressors to accomplish more with a smaller footprint, using little garage space.

7) Update Your Garage Lighting

Your gorgeous updated garage will look even better once you improve your outdated lighting. Many garages still have their original lighting sources, which often use incandescent or fluorescent bulbs. This type of lighting is inefficient and costly, as bulbs need to be replaced frequently. Incandescent bulbs also emit a lot of heat, which can make them difficult to work under. Switching to LED lighting offers long-term cost savings, as well as the following advantages:

  • Improved energy efficiency
  • Enhanced visibility
  • Cooler lighting
  • Adjustable

8) Boost Your Comfort with a Heater or Fan

Now that your garage is starting to look great from top to bottom, it’s time to make it feel great. This is especially important if you live in an area marked by extreme temperatures or seasonal fluctuations. Today’s best garage heaters are portable, low-maintenance, and affordable, with prices starting just over $100. You can expect to pay a bit more for systems that offer both heating and cooling properties, but you can conserve space in your garage by investing in an all-in-one unit.

9) Mount a Retractable Extension Cord

Retractable extension cords are an especially welcome addition for homeowners who would like to use their garage to complete woodworking projects or restore vehicles. You can find models that sell in the $100 range, though some models with optional features may cost more. Here are some benefits of retractable extension cords:

  • Easy to mount: Most people can mount a retractable extension cord quickly and easily on their own. You can even find videos online.
  • A hassle-free design: A retractable cord eliminates the hassle of gathering, coiling, and storing long cords each time you use them.
  • Fast access to power: With a retractable extension cord, you can have access to power from any location in your garage.

Final Thoughts 

By introducing the changes above, you can make the most of your new home’s garage without breaking the bank. But don’t forget the importance of maintaining your garage. Set aside one or two days per year to walk through your garage and do the following:

  • Declutter: Remove old boxes, broken tools, and unused items from your shelves to create space.
  • Clean your floors: You can keep your epoxy floors looking like new by cleaning them with a solution of ammonia and warm water.
  • Take inventory of your tools: Go through your tool chest at least once each year to make sure all of your tools are present and intact.

Keeping your garage neat, clean, and organized doesn’t have to be difficult or costly. By starting off on the right foot when you move into your new home, you can turn your garage into the best-kept space on your property. 

How A Home Automation App Can Change The Way You Live  

Picture this… You just crawled into bed with your favorite book and you’ve got your pillows in just the right spot. Then, moments later, you realize you left the heater on too high of a setting and forgot to turn the lights off downstairs. Now you have to get up, adjust the heater and walk back upstairs only to attempt to find that peace and comfort you had achieved only moments before. It’s a common occurrence across the country, but it doesn’t have to be. Home automation is now more common, and more affordable, than ever before. 

While home automation once seemed like something straight out of Star Trek or another Sci-Fi series, recent years have seen astounding technological advances that have begun to fundamentally alter the way things work in our homes. 

Essentially, home automation refers to devices, appliances, and systems that connect and can be controlled remotely. When you bring the technology in your home together through a central network, this is often referred to as a “connected home.” For instance, home automation can allow you to connect your home’s thermostat, locks, TVs, and even your appliances to the internet, allowing you to control all of these devices from a central hub in your home, or even from a home automation app on your smartphone. 


Let’s take a look at how home automation can change the way you live!


Manage All of Your Devices From One Location

Perhaps the greatest benefit that smart home automation provides is the ability to control all of your devices from one location. That’s right. No more headaches from losing all of those remotes that just seem to always find their way in between the cushions. Smart devices allow you to connect to, and control, your gadgets and appliances wirelessly from your phone, removing the need for additional cords and controllers. 



We couldn’t understate the convenience of a home automation system if we wanted to. Imagine having control of your entire home at the palms of your hands. Forgot to lock the door? No problem. Left the light on downstairs? Turn it off with your phone. The list of convenient benefits remains endless! And remember, you can utilize these features from anywhere with an internet connection! Feel like checking in on your pets during the workday? No problem.

Increase Energy Efficiency

In addition to being convenient, home automation can also help to save you money. While home automation allows you to control devices and appliances throughout your home from your smartphone, making your daily life easier, these systems can also be controlled when you are out of the house. This gives you the freedom to check on systems in your home and alter their settings when you are on the go, saving you money on your energy bill.


In your hurry to get out of the house in the morning, you may forget to turn off your heater, the TV, or the coffee maker. Prior to home automation, these mistakes could end up costing you money. However, with home automation, you can check the status of these systems remotely wherever you are, and even get notifications when things are left on at odd hours. 


No More Fumbling for Keys

Home automation can also provide you with added security by allowing you to do away with traditional keys. Upgrading the locks around your home to smart locks can add convenience by allowing you to enter and exit your home without the need for a key, which can be copied or stolen. This means no more fumbling with keys when your hands are full of groceries, or worrying about how you will get inside if you forget your keys. As long as you have your phone with you, you will have the convenience of keyless access to your home. 


Upgrading to smart locks can also improve your home’s safety, as eliminating the need for a physical key makes it harder for people to break into your home. The fact is that keys are easy to misplace, and if you lose your key, you may have to replace your locks to prevent a break-in. With smart locks, you can forgo physical keys, allowing you to have one less thing to worry about. 



If you travel frequently and rely on friends and family to house sit, this often means creating multiple duplicate house keys to give to people, or leaving a key hidden somewhere where a burglar may find it. Neither option is perfect, as many people are uncomfortable having multiple copies of their house keys floating around. Fortunately, smart locks take the stress out of letting people house sit. You can simply create a temporary virtual key that your house sitters can use to access your home for a predetermined amount of time, and you will even be able to see when they enter and exit your home. For additional security when you are not at home, you can check to make sure that all of the doors have been locked when your house sitter leaves.  


Help for The Forgetful

If you often find yourself forgetting to close the garage door, lock the front door, or even turn off the oven when you leave the house, then home automation could benefit your safety and peace-of-mind. The fact is that when we are on the go, it is easy to forget things; however, there is nothing worse than the sense of dread one feels when they get to work only to realize that they did not secure their home properly. 


Instead of having to rush home on your lunch break, or call a neighbor to have them check on your home, you can use your home automation system to ensure everything is properly secured. From your phone, you can close your garage door, lock the front door, and turn off all the lights and appliances throughout your home. While you may discover that everything was already secure, home automation gives you peace-of-mind as it makes it easy for you to check on your home from wherever you are. 


Integrated Security System

Of course, no home automation system is complete without a modern home security system. However, while these systems used to be complicated and expensive to set up and maintain, these systems are now more affordable and user-friendly than ever before. These fully integrated home security systems can easily be accessed from your phone, allowing you to check security camera footage and arm/disarm the system remotely from wherever you are. You can easily check to see if the kids made it home from school or keep an eye on elderly family members. This gives you complete control over your home’s security. 

Worry-Free Vacations

By now, you have likely realized the many ways in which the smart features we have discussed could give you peace-of-mind when going out of town. Not only does home automation make it easy to let in house sitters, check your home’s security, and ensure that your HVAC system and appliances are off, but it also gives you the ability to create the illusion that you are home. With smart lighting and motorized window treatments, you can create the appearance of activity in your home throughout the day, which can help to deter potential burglars. When coupled with integrated home security systems, home automation helps to ensure that your home is safe, and you are able to relax when you go away on vacation. 


No longer considered to be a luxury for the rich and famous, home automation is truly revolutionizing the way people go about their daily routines. With properly integrated smart home technology, you can control systems throughout your home from a single device no matter where you are, giving homeowners access to convenience and security like never before. Feel free to contact us to learn more about how a home automation app could change the way you live as well as for advice on how to integrate smart technology into your home.  






How Much Does a Moving Company Cost?

Relocating to a new city or house can be exciting and scary. There will be new opportunities and new challenges to face. This, however, is primarily dependent on the reason for moving. Nonetheless, regardless of the reason, moving is always stressful. There are a lot of things to plan for in the weeks before the move.

For most people, the biggest challenge to moving comes in the form of cost. Even if you are moving within the state, the costs can be high and present a significant obstacle, especially if you did not have a lot of time to plan for the move.

Are you thinking of moving? If yes, it’s vital to prepare financially to avoid unnecessary stress. Let’s take a look at the costs.

Do You Want a Full-Service Company?

The first choice you have to make, one that can affect costs significantly, when hiring a moving company is whether you want a full-service moving company. With the additional services, like packing your belongings, a full-service company is a more expensive option.

The formula used to calculate how much moving will cost depends on whether you are moving to another state or not. Usually, an hourly rate will be applied for moves within the same state, with the charges varying from one company to the next. The total cost will also depend on the number of additional services required to complete the move.

If you are moving to a different state, the charges will be based on the weight of your belongings and the total distance between the old and new house. The cost of the additional services will also be included.

Full-service companies can reduce the hassle of moving. Some of the additional services they offer and will incur extra charges include:

  • Provision of packing materials and supplies
  • Disassembling furniture
  • Packing up your things before the move
  • Loading and offloading the truck
  • Transporting your property
  • Unpacking your belongings on arrival
  • Packaging material disposal

Intrastate Moves

Also known as local moves, intrastate moves occur when a person relocates to a different house within the same state. The rate for such moves is based on an hourly flat rate. To avoid any unnecessary last-minute surprises, there are three key things you should take note of:

  • The cost for local moves can vary significantly as the charges and rules vary from state to state. Therefore, it’s crucial to get estimates based on the exact distance of the move and your state’s hourly rates.
  • Rates for local moves are calculated on an hourly basis regardless of the tasks movers perform.
  • Expect a term travel fee that’s equal to the cost of one hour of standard move-related work. The purpose of this fee is to cover the cost of fuel and the time spent by the moving company to get to your house and the new location.

How to Calculate the Cost of Moving from Your House for a Local Move

Another crucial element that influences the costs you will incur is the type of house. Hourly rates for local moves vary from state to state and can range from $25 to $60.

For the example below, the applicable rate is $30. Make the necessary adjustments for more accurate calculations.

  • Studio apartment: Two professional movers can complete the task in 3-5 hours, bringing the cost for each to $90 to $150.
  • 2-bedroom apartment: The task can be completed in 5-7 hours with 3 local movers. The cost for each will be $150 to $ 210, bringing the total to around $450 to $630.
  • Larger Houses: For houses at least 5000 square feet, moving costs can increase significantly and reach up to $2,000.

The costs indicated above only include moving costs. If you want packing services, the costs will increase, and the cost usually comes close to the moving cost.

Interstate Moves

Long-distance moves that involve relocating to a different state are referred to as interstate moves. Such moves are charged differently than local moves. The major cost factors include:

  • Weight of shipment: With weight, the more belongings you have, the more expensive your move will be.
  • Distance: Of all the cost factors, distance is the one that you have the least control over. Undoubtedly, the cost increases as the distance increases.
  • Additional services: When moving companies give you a quote, it includes the basic services involved with moving. If you want other services, they’ll come at additional costs.

Interstate moves can be very expensive, with costs reaching $5,000. If the costs rise beyond the estimates, you may find yourself with unnecessary stress. As such, it is crucial to request your moving company to give you a written binding not-to-exceed estimate. With this, you can rest assured there won’t be any major variances between the estimates and actual cost.

Additional Factors That Affect the Cost of Moving

Moving accounts for the most significant cost factor when relocating. However, there are also other costs you may incur, especially if you do not hire a full-service company.

1.      Moving Supplies

When moving, you will require a wide range of supplies to help you with packing and protecting your belongings. These include plastic bins, cardboard boxes, and packing paper/plastic wrap, among others. These costs may seem negligible, but they can impact your budget.

2.      Moving Related Add-ons

When the moving company finally comes to help you relocate, some factors, such as the number of movers, may affect the cost. Other add-ons that may be provided by the movers and increase the costs include mattress bags, stretch wrap, and felt pads.

3.      Date of the Move

One thing that most people are unaware of when it comes to relocating is that the date and time of your move can affect the cost. To keep costs low, use the following tips when selecting a date and time for moving.

  • Schedule the move during the morning hours.
  • Try moving between Monday and Thursday as weekend moves will be more expensive due to the higher demand.
  • Leases usually start at the beginning of the month and end at the end of the month. Try moving during the middle of the month when there is less demand for moving services.
  • Most people relocate during late spring or summer, with the peak moving season lasting from May to early September. If you are not moving due to an urgent reason, try scheduling your move during other periods of the year.

4.      Insurance Costs

Among your household belongings, there are items that are valuable. With moving comes risks such as damaged or lost property during transit. Getting extra coverage can help cushion the effect of such losses should they occur. To this end, moving companies offer different types of protection. They include:

  • Basic Released Value Protection: This is the bare minimum coverage for moving. It offers protection of .60 cents for each pound of cargo liability.
  • Full Value Protection: This is a more comprehensive cover that offers greater protection for your belongings. Under this cover, your moving company is required to issue compensation for damaged belongings at their present value.

5.      Tip for Movers

There is a lot of work involved in moving and packing your belongings safely without damage. When movers do a great job and get your property safely to your new house, it is customary to offer them some gratuity.

On average, tips range from 5-10% of the total cost of moving. However, you can also use other methods to determine how much to tip them. When deciding the appropriate amount, consider the distance and complexity of the move. Add something extra for the foreman and driver, especially for interstate moves.

Keeping Costs Low

Costs are undoubtedly one of the primary concerns when relocating. As you try to find out how much you will need to move, you can also take some steps to reduce the costs.

  • Get rid of all the items that you no longer use
  • Select moving dates and times wisely
  • Start packing weeks prior to the move to avoid packing costs
  • Compare quotes from different companies

Choose the Right Company

There are a lot of challenges and risks that come with moving. Some include dealing with unprofessional movers or having your belongings stolen along the way. As you weigh up moving companies based on cost, you should also consider how reliable they are. This can be determined by how long they’ve been in the industry and reviews from customers. You are better paying a little more for a reliable company than having to deal with damaged or lost goods.

Move Concierge Named Among Top 100 Places to Work in Dallas

Move Concierge has been named one of the best places to work in Dallas. The company was honored as the No. 5 Small Company on the Top 100 Places to Work in 2020 by the Dallas Morning News.

The Dallas Morning News Top 100 Places to Work is calculated from an independent third-party employee survey.

Culture in the era of COVID

This year, Move Concierge was presented with the opportunity to bring our unique culture out of the office and into our team’s homes during the quarantine due to the COVID-19 virus. Meetings and morning huddles became Zoom calls, celebratory lunches became Grubhub e-gift cards and quarterly team events like axe throwing became care packages as the team adapted to working from home.

Of course, it’s the people that make a great company culture through shared ideals and authentic interactions. Much of Move Concierge’s culture is driven by the six core values all team members live by: being humble, transparent communication, building a positive culture, delivering a mind-blowing customer experience, embracing and driving change, and owning it.

Introducing the company’s fun, family-like culture to new team members presented a unique challenge with virtual onboarding and training. Video calls once again proved crucial to keeping new members of the team connected and engaged. Training graduation happy hours where new hires meet their teammates were replaced with drinks and games via Zoom.

New Hire Orientation via Zoom | top 100 places to work
New Hire Orientation via Zoom

The company welcomed 52 new team members during lockdown, and recently celebrated a major milestone when the team grew to more than 100 members during quarantine.

Where we’re going

Move Concierge has kept its momentum and stayed on track for continued growth throughout 2020. Even with the challenges of remote work, the team set new company records in the sales and service departments, helping more people than ever make their moves easier. 

The company’s dedication to growth extends well beyond employee headcount and record-setting numbers. The personal and professional development of each team member is encouraged and supported by leadership. Opportunity abounds at Move Concierge with a clear track for upward mobility. More than a dozen team members have been promoted this year.  

The company continues to seek new talent to join the growing team. Want to work at one of the Top 100 Places to Work in Dallas?
See current job openings at