Halloween Homeowner Safety Tips
October 6, 2021 Homeowner TipsMake Your Move Easy
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Get StartedSafety is a hot topic around Halloween with tips like checking your child’s candy for signs of tampering and adding a glow stick to their costume to make sure they can be seen.
Unfortunately, trick-or-treaters aren’t the only ones out and about on Halloween night. Criminals too take advantage of the opportunity to freely roam neighborhood streets looking for their own treats – easy targets.
Property crime rates spike by an average of 24 percent each Halloween, according to a study by Travelers Insurance. The majority of insurance claims were for theft, with 60 percent occurring at the home and 21 percent offsite, the remaining 19 percent of claims are for vandalism.
Keep your home safe from vandalism and theft this Halloween. Taking just a few precautions will make your home less appealing to criminals looking for an easy score.

Keep the lights on
Take advantage of human nature to protect your home. People are far less likely to commit a crime if they can easily be seen doing so. Keep the exterior of your home well lit to eliminate the opportunity for anyone to sneak around.
Pay special attention to lighting around the front and back doors, and any other access points or areas people shouldn’t be lurking. Motion-sensitive lights are great for these spots if you don’t want to keep lights on all night.

Install a Security System
The mere presence of a security system can be enough to deter a criminal from choosing your home. Most burglars take alarms and outdoor cameras into account when choosing a potential target. According to a survey of hundreds of inmates convicted of burglary, 83 percent said they would try to determine if an alarm was present before attempting a burglary.
If it’s not seen beforehand, a security system can stop a crime in progress if your house is broken into. Half of offenders surveyed said they would discontinue the attempt if they discovered an alarm while attempting a burglary.

Use smart cameras to detect lurkers
The latest in smart home technology takes security to the next level. New outdoor cameras use AI to determine and deter threats. These smart cameras can differentiate between people and animals, only alerting you when an actual threat is detected.
If someone is snooping around your home, the AI will recognize them as a lurker. If they are in camera view for too long, the camera will beep alerting the criminal they are being watched. Two-way voice also lets you communicate with the individual to ask what they want or scare them away.
Advanced night-vision technology means your security cameras have a clear picture and your home is protected all night long., even on Halloween.
Speak with a security expert to learn more about protecting your home with the latest smart home technology.